General Business Terms

  1. In General
    Deviations of these terms and conditions - particularly the validity of cover regulations of the buyer - require our express written recognition.

    Our offers are without engagement. Orders are only obligatory for us as far as we confirm them or meet them by over-shipment of the goods. Oral agreements are only valid, if we confirm them in written way.

    These terms and conditions are at the latest valid by acceptance of our goods or service.

  2. Offers
    The product descriptive details made in price lists, leaflets, offers or other documents like illustrations, diagrams, descriptions, weights-, measures-, output-, consumptions data, as well as details in the reference to usability of equipment for new technologies are non-committal, furthermore only approximately authoritative, as far as they are not described explicit obligatorily.

  3. Prices
    Our prices are individual. They are based on agreement basis for each and every sales object.

    As far as there is nothing others arranged, prices are seen without installation, briefing, training or other services, of delivering place Lunzenau / Rochsburg.

  4. Payment
    Our invoices are duly and payable purely net register without discount two weeks after date of invoice.

    For different products / equipment immediately payment or payment at collection is required.

    At transgression of the payment term we charge, under reservation of assertion other damages, interest cost in height of the bank usual debet interests, of at least 5% above the respective Ferderal Bank discount rate.

    In case of arrears and reasoned doubts at the costumers solvency, we are authorized to take securities or advance payment for deliveries being due and to make all demands from the business connections immediately duly - insignificant our other rights.

    Only undisputed or legally binding established demands entitle the buyer to the balancing or retention.

  5. Delivery
    The seller is authorized for part shipment or partial performances at any time. These are considered as independent businesses. The dispatch is exclusively carried out on the sole risk of the receiver.

    As long as the costumer is behind with an obligation, our delivering duty rests.

    Deliveries abroad are in principle only carried out after an indivdual, written arranged advanced payment for cash. The right of the Federal Republic of Germany is exclusively valid.

  6. Force Majeure
    Cases of force majeure - meant are circumstances and occurrences, which cannot be prevented with the care of a proper management - suspend the parties for the duration of this breakdown and for extent of the effects. If delays exceed a period of six weeks, both contracting parties are authorized to withdraw from the contract with regard to the concerned scope of work.
    Other claims does not last.

  7. Warrenty
    All sales objects are used or unused utensils.

    All informations about suitability, manufacture, use and other informations are made in best knowledge but do not free the buyer from own inspections and attempts.

    All goods are sold like seen under exclusion of any guarantee and warranty.

  8. Compensation for damages
    Claim for damages, unimportant from which legal claim, especially for bad fulfillment, positive breach of contract, injury of side duties and faults during contract negotiations as well as from forbidden actions are out of question.

  9. Reservation of ownership
    Until the complete payment of our demands from the business connection with the customer, the sold goods remain our property. The customer is authorized to use the bought goods in his proper business. The customer is obliged to insure the goods against fire and larceny.

    The reservation of title also includes goods, which originate from manufacture, mixture or combination with our goods to their full value. We are the owner of these goods. Last rights of ownership of third parties in case of manufacture, mixture or combination, we acquire co-ownership in relation of the invoice values of the manufactured goods.

    Access of third parties to the goods and demands belonging to us has to be informed to us by the buyer immediately with a registered letter.

    The practice of the reservation of ownership means not the resignation of the contract.

    For the goods - and the demands which replace goods - it is neither allowed to pawn them on third, nor to do a transfer of ownership before a complete payment of our goods demands.

    The customer is only authorized for resale or use of our goods in the context of the proper commercial traffic. If the customer gets into default or if he becomes insolvent, we are authorized to reclaim the goods, beeing in our property.

    In case of resale of our goods, the customer is obliged to pay the full price immediately.

  10. Venue
    Place of fulfilment for both sides is the location of the salesman.

    Exclusive place of jurisdiction for all present and future claims from business connections with merchants, is the location of the salesman. The same place of jurisdiction is valid, if the customer have no general venue in Germany, or if the customer misplaces his ordinary place of residence from inland after the conclusion of a contract or his ordinary place of residence is not known at the moment of accusation.

  11. Unwirksamkeitsklausel
    For all agreements and right actions german right is exclusively valid.

    If single regulations of these conditions get or are already completely or partly ineffective, then the validity of the other conditions is not touched through this. Rather they are interpreted this way, that the legal regulations are inserted and the original wished purpose is reached.

  12. Data Privacy Protection
    The costumer approves of the fact that we use the data from business relations for our own business purposes in sense of data protection law within our company.
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